
Pteris grandis is generally adopted vertical cutting propagation, inconvenient to use horizontal burial method. The cutting time is better in spring-April or July-August in summer. The substrate is a net sand or a mountain mud, the thickness of the crucible is about 15 cm, the bottom is coarse, and the upper part is a small particle, so as to facilitate water seepage and easily control the moisture content of the substrate. Cut the stems of the 23-year-old Pteris chinensis. Take each cutting as desired, or take 2 to 3 knots. 2 - 2.5 cm below the bottom of the stem, buried in the soil. The upper stems were 1 cm empty to prevent loss of water in the stem sections. At the time of cutting, the empty 2.5 cm stem at the bottom of the stem was inserted into the soil, and the bottom stem section was also inserted 1 cm into the soil. If the stem section is too deep or too shallow, it is difficult to manage. The rooting part of the Pteris bamboo is in the stem section, and the inserted soil is too deep to be too wet and deteriorates, and the insertion of the soil is too shallow to maintain the humidity. After the cutting is completed, we must ensure that the air humidity around the insertion bed increases, spray 6-7 times a day, so that the air humidity is maintained at 85%, while obstructing the light of the nine to eight-tenths, in order to reduce water consumption. root. Under proper temperature conditions, rooting can take place in 25-30 days. China Agricultural Network Editor


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